While I recognize that the execution of perfect form in exercise and sport looks different for everyone as environment, pressure, modality, physiology, anatomy, injury and exercise history, among other factors influences its performance, as a Trainer, I represent it's aspiration in movement is a noble pursuit, and it informs part of my ever changing philosophy on training.

Specifically (as it relates to this discussion) that there must be strength in mobility, and mobility in strength!

My Grandmother encouraged me to read from an early age and as a result I have a varacious appetite for reading and at any given time have up to five books on the go. One of her favorite sayings was that "there's a world of knowledge in books'. Most of my reading comes from the non-fiction genre in the context of self improvement, business performance, management and coaching.

 Reading 'The Violin Maker' by John Marchese resonated so strongly with me that it lead me to the Life path I now call Ivari and ultimately towards rebranding my business to reflect a new vision and product line. A very exciting and motivational opportunity for my business of in-home personal training, gym design, fitout and programming. 

This particular book appealed to me in the sense that it portrayed artisanal craftsmanship in the context of contemporary Violin making, a centuries old tradition being kept alive in a Brooklyn workshop. In particular the replication by Sam Zygmuntowicz of "an instrument made by the greatest master that ever lived". Stradivarius. For months I had been breaking words down in a search for that perfect new brand name. The word bite Ivari leapt out at me.

The book is exquisitly written, rich and deeply descriptive about the craft of Violin making. From the painstaking deliberation that goes into choosing the perfect piece of wood, the exorbitant price of the piece along with the selection of specialist, sometimes handmade for purpose tools and the ritualistic almost mystical process undertaken before the final suspenseful handing off of the commisioned piece to the artist himself. 

As I came to understand the patience and meticulous attention to the minutest details of the craftsman with the goal of making the perfect Violin, I recognised so much metaphorical symmetry when compared to my own journey as a personal trainer.

Having appreciation for the beautiful raw material and gratitude for the gift of opportunity to work with the commitment and determination of the practitioner by applying the tools and experience built up over many years as a trainer to craft the perfect outcome for the artist him or herself to achieve goals they may never have previously imagined.

In my serach of the word bite Ivari I came to discover that it represents a life path of energy, drive, ambition and independent willpower. Words that resonate so strongly with me and my fitness philosophy. It was an inspiring revelation with strong symbolism.

As I formed a vision for how the word might morph into a Logo I could already appreciate the pillars of the two I's at each end of the word being capped by big red bold dots that could not only represent the birth (beginning) and death (end) of a full life, but also that if a heart rate profile travelled between them that it would represent the ups and downs of that journey whilst also symbolising the experience of a training session, race or contest? 

I feel blessed to have spent a large proportion of my working life as a Lumberjack and use it as theme within my business life and career as a personal trainer. I gained a very unique skill set alongside a deep appreciation for the advantages of building a strong and functional mind and body. You often came face to face with mortality while executing your craft. It's dangerous and you had to have your wits about you. 

Prolonged and intense exposure to that type of environment have inspired me to think hard about what it took to endure and as I started to be lead down this life path I now call Ivari I have come to understand on a deep level the need for a commitment to nurturing and growing the concept I have labelled independent willpower.  

Much like the Master Stradivari himself it epitomizes a commitment to the constant evolutionary process of study, learning and executing your craft with energy, drive and ambition.

Thats the life path as I understand it and as I apply it to the Ivari business. It's my passion. Thats my story. 


Exercise educator/ Fitness trainer/ Artist

I am a Chicago based personal trainer specializing in the in-home space, serving the greater urban area. My programs are a hybrid blend of mobility, stability and strength exercises aimed directly at the wants and needs of the client. My purpose is to firstly “bring the fitness”, and then educate, inspire and motivate the consistency necessary for progress.

  • one on one

  • small group

  • team

  • online


5 reasons to conduct your job interviews on a Concept2 rowing machine